KC Chess

by R. Kevin Phillips and Craig S. Bruce

for Dr. J. D. Horton / CS 4993

April 6, 1990


It was our, R. Kevin Phillips and Craig S. Bruce's, intention to design and implement a working computer chess game. Contained in this paper are the methods used, alternatives discarded, and discussions of problems that we encountered while writing the program.


1. Introduction

2. Data Structures
   2.1. Board Data Structure
   2.2. Possible Moves Data Structure
   2.3. Move Data Structure
   2.4. Player Data Structure
   2.5. Game Data Structure

3. Human Movement
   3.1. Creating the MoveList
   3.2. Disallowing Certain Moves

4. Computer Movement
   4.1. Zero-Ply Lookahead
   4.2. One-Ply Lookahead
   4.3. Two-Ply Lookahead
   4.4. Generalized N-Ply Lookahead
   4.5. Search Tree Pruning
   4.6. Finishing Touches

5. Program Features
   5.1. Set Up Board
   5.2. TakeBack and UnTakeBack
   5.3. Player Settings
   5.4. Options
   5.5. Watch Game
   5.6. Go To Move Number
   5.7. File System
   5.8. Hint
   5.9. On-Line Help
   5.10. High Resolution Graphics

6. Program Limitations
   6.1. Horizon Effect
   6.2. Scoring Deficiency

7. Conclusion


It is very difficult for two people to be able to merge their ideas into a single working program as large as this one. It is for this reason that Craig acted as the leader of the programming portion. He, with my input, made the large-scale decisions of how the program would be modularized. From there the smaller aspects of the program could be assigned and as long they interfaced properly, the program would work. It was decided that because Craig's larger contribution during the programming of the project that I prepare most of the report as well as present the project at the seminar.

When I first thought about trying to write a program to play chess I could not even think where to start. It seemed an overwhelming problem and there were so many places to make errors that could take hours and hours to repair. After mulling over the design for some time, we began to program. When we were finished, we were surprised that we encountered so few problems. Turbo Pascal was chosen for it's powerful built-in libraries, it's interactive nature and it's impressive speed.


Pascal, being very rich in data structures, gave an almost unlimited choice for representing a chess game. The problem was trying to choose the structures that would allow the best combination of flexibility, economy and speed.


The main decision, in terms of data structures, was how to represent the actual chess board. The first structure to come to mind was simply an 8x8 array with each element corresponding to a square on the board. As obvious as this was, it was not the structure that was used. We chose instead, for later ease of determining illegal moves, that the array be 12x12 (-1..10, -1..10), where the board occupies the center 8x8 squares. With the 8x8 array it is necessary to determine if the move will go off the board before the move is made, so as to not access a nonexistant array element. The 12x12 board allows the moves to be made and then see that the piece has moved to an illegal square. The latter method allows us to make only a single test of legallity, whether the square is legal or not. With the former, both the row and column indices are required to be between 1 and 8.

Upon doing some research on the subject, another strain of methods was discovered. These methods use a one dimensional array. The major benefit of these methods was in determining where a piece can move to. For example, rooks can move: +1, -1, +12, -12. So instead of having to store both the row and column displacements, as is needed in the array implementation, only one value is needed for describing the move. Also, since only one subscript needs to be resolved in accessing a square on the board, the 1-D array would work faster. However, we chose the 2-D matrix because it is more natural and easier to follow.

The next decision that had to be made was: what is required in each board element. Each board element must describe the type of piece in the square and its color. An enumerated type called PieceImageType is used, which allows the program to be most readable. A type, PieceColorType, is declared to contain either the value white or black. As stated earlier, to determine an illegal move, there is a ValidSquare variable in the structure. A variable to determine whether the piece has moved or not is also included. It is needed for pawns trying to move two squares and for castling.


Trying to find the possible moves available to a given piece could be a very difficult task if the proper data structure is not chosen. An array, indexed by PieceImageType, is used. Each element in the array consists of the range of the piece, the number of directions and the direction vectors themselves. The range is not simply the number of squares that the piece travels, rather it is the number of times that the direction vector may be applied. To illustrate, the queen has a range of 7, not including her present square. She can move in eight different directions, right, left, up, down, and along the four diagonals. The direction vectors are simply the row and column displacement, from the starting square for the smallest possible increment in that direction. The direction vectors for all pieces are listed below. Note that pawns are not listed here since all their moves are special.

------  -----    -------
King      1      (-1,-1) (-1,0) (-1,1) (0,-1) (0,1) (1,-1) (1,0) (1,1)
Queen     7      (-1,-1) (-1,0) (-1,1) (0,-1) (0,1) (1,-1) (1,0) (1,1)
Rook      7      (-1,0) (1,0) (0,-1) (0,1)
Bishop    7      (-1,-1) (-1,1) (1,-1) (1,1)
Knight    1      (1,-2) (2,-1) (2,1) (1,2) (-1,2) (-2,1) (-2,-1) (-1,-2)


Now that we have the board and the pieces described, we must be able to describe any move generically. Again Pascal's powerful data structures came to our aid. A MoveType is declared to consist of the row and column that the piece was moved from and the row and column that the piece was moved to. These are needed for obvious reasons. The type of the piece moved as well as the type of the piece taken are also stored in this structure. These values are required for the Takeback/Untakeback feature since when a move is taken back, the piece that was taken must materialize from nowhere to its original square. The piece that was moved seems to be redundant but consider pawn promotion. When the move that promoted a pawn is taken back, the queen (or whatever the pawn was promoted to) must disappear and the pawn must again come from nowhere.


A PlayerType is also declared to contain all the pertinent information. The player's name, color, skill level, last move, check status (ie. OK or IN CHECK) and elapsed time are all stored in this structure and are printed to the screen for the players' viewing. It is also necessary to store the type of player (ie. Human or Computer), the current position of the players king (done for simplicity and speed of determining check) and the position of the player's cursor. The cursor position is used to keep the cursor where the player's last piece was moved. A flag also exists for each player for the consideration of positional evaluation. Note that the skill level and the positional evaluation flag are used for human players to give the computer the basis for finding the human player a move (the Hint command) if he should ask.


The last structure is the structure that is written to disk when a game, complete or incomplete, is saved. Because the GameType structure must be able to reconstruct every aspect of a game, it is by far the largest of any of the structures. It contains the descriptions of the players (PlayerType) as described earlier, and it contains the list of all the moves and how many moves were made during the game. There is also an array of booleans that tell if the player to move is in check in the corresponding move. Also, GameFinished, TimeOutWhite/Black, Stalemate, NoStorage tell if the game is complete and why. NonDevMoveCount counts upwards for the fifty move stalemate rule. The final board is also saved so that the game can be un-made all of the way back to the standard setup or to any move in the entire game.

In addition to these values in the GameType structure, there are options that can be set to what ever is desired. There are flags here for allowing or disallowing en passent, and for enabling or disabling the sound. The player of the game may choose to change the settings for the flash count, watch delay and the time limit. The flash count gives the number of times a piece is flashed before and after it is moved. The watch delay gives the number of milliseconds to wait between displaying moves in Watch Mode. The time limit gives the maximum elapsed time allowed for either player. A time limit of zero means no limit is set.


When it is time for a human player to make a move, the first thing to be done is to calculate all possible moves. That is all moves that abide by the directional vectors and stay on the board. There are other moves that do not fall into a 'nice' catagory. A few of these are castling, pawn promotion, en passent and whenever a pawn captures another piece.


To make this list, each player's piece is examined individually and all moves for that piece are created. With the help of the PossibleMovesType structure, it is a relatively simple process to go through all directional vectors. From the starting square, each direction vector is projected outwards until the maximum range of the piece is reached, the piece goes off the board or the piece runs into another piece. If the other piece is a piece of the opposite color then taking it can be counted as a possible move. This relatively small amount of code will handle most of the moves made in a game but it can not be easily adapted to handle the less rigid moves.

A pawn is only allowed to move diagonally forward when it captures an enemy piece. Because there must be a piece in the diagonal square, caputure by pawns is not compatible with the more general move generator and must be examined specially. Even advancing a pawn one space forward is a special case since if the pawn moves to the last row it must be promoted. Advancing the pawn two squares requires a special check to make sure that it has not been moved before. The move known as 'en passent' must also be examined separately because it can only happen immediately after an enemy pawn advances two squares. When determining if this move is possible it is necessary to look at the previous move of the enemy. If it was advancing the specific pawn twice that is to be captured, then the en passent move is possible.

Castling is also a very special move since two different pieces have to be moved to carry out castling, and it can only be performed when neither the king nor the rook involved have yet moved. This is relatively easy to see as the HasMoved flag associated with each piece can be checked. Castling is also further complicated since the squares between the king and the rook must be empty, the king can not be in check before the move, after the move and can not move though check. All of these conditions must be checked explicitly.


Not all of the moves generated above are actually legal. All moves that would result in the player's king being in check are not allowed. Thus, after all of the possible moves have been generated, all of the illegal ones must be eliminated. This is done by making each move and determining if the king has been put in check. This is done by exhaustively examining all squares that could possibly attack the square that the king is on. Now all legal moves for the player have been determined and are stored in the MoveListType structure. Although this is tedious, no better way was found.

The next step is very trival in comparision to generating the list of legal moves. The player's move is merely read in and tested to see if it is indeed in the list of legal moves. If it is not in the list then the player is attempting an illegal move and he should be informed and forced to choose another. If the move is valid then the move can be made and the enemy gets his turn to make a counter move.


Perhaps the most interesting feature of a chess program is its ability to seemingly think. Let it be stated that there is no magic involved, only extensive computation. A large tree structure is generated, traversed, and valued in order to compute which move is the "best". Presented here is the evolution of the Computer Movement routine for our project.


In the beginning, when we created the computer movement thinking routine, it was simple and stupid. It would call for the generation of the move list and would then pick a move randomly (a zero-ply lookahead). This allowed the other higher level routines which called upon this routine for the move, to be implemented. Needless to say, the moves selected were completely meaningless. The pieces would wander aimlessly about the board and occasionally do something useful.


After testing the higher level routines, the thinking 'stub' was modified to search the move list for the move that captured the enemy's highest valued piece. The values were based on the old standards PAWN = 1, KNIGHT = 3.5, BISHOP = 3.5, ROOK = 5, QUEEN = 9, and KING = infinity. This facilitated a one-ply lookahead. The result, of course, was that a piece would take another piece whenever it could, with no concern for its own safety (it would often walk into an ambush), and when no enemy piece could be taken, the pieces would wander around the board aimlessly, as before. Since the move list was always generated in the same order, to add some variety to the game the move list was randomized (using a linear algorithm) before searching. Thus, tie scores would be chosen between randomly.

Also, the rules about checking and other special moves were not yet implemented, so the game would continue after the enemy's king was taken, until all of his pieces were taken. No effort was made to figure out who actually won, either. With the one-ply lookahead, the games would finish fairly quickly, because there was such a take-frenzy.


At this time it was hypothesized that a two-ply lookahead would stop important pieces from walking into ambushes. The hypothesis was proven correct when a hard-coded brute force routine was implemented. This routine had to be implemented differently from zero- and one-ply since it had to examine all of the moves possible after the first move had been made. Searching required two nested loops, where the first loop would go through all of the first moves, remember the take-score, and then actually make the move and update the internal board representation. The inner loop would then generate all of the moves possible for the opposite color to the first move, and would search through this list and remember the score for taking the highest valued piece. After this inner search, the first move was then taken back and the internal board updated, and the outer loop continued. The score for the first move was the value of the piece taken in the first move minus the value of the piece taken in the second move. The advantage over the one-ply lookahead was very obvious: the moving player would stop walking into ambushes, since it would SEE that if it took a lesser, protected piece, then the enemy would take the the first piece right back. In fact, this 'chickening out' would go a little too far, since in two plys the player to move cannot see his own protection of the square that he just took an enemy piece on; at the time it was thought that this would require a three-ply lookahead. In the event that no pieces could be taken, the pieces would wander around aimlessly. A human with any skill at chess could easily prey upon these limitations and defeat the computer.

Assuming an average of 35 moves for each level of this tree structure, the two-ply lookahead would have to examine 35 * 35 = 1225 moves to find the "best" one. At the time, it took about 15 seconds to perform this search on an IBM PS/2 Model 70 (a 25 MHz personal mainframe).

The special moves of castling, pawn promotion, and en passent were implemented at this time, with relative ease, and with a relatively small drain on thinking speed. However, the rules concerning checking were much more expensive to enforce, since the algorithm had to discard any moves in the move list that would result in the player being in check after the move was made. The easiest way to do this was to actually make the move and generate the enemy's countermove list. If any of these moves were capturing the first player's king, then the first move was invalid and would not be considered. This also had to be done for each inner-loop move, which effectively meant that a three-ply search was generated, even though only two plys could be used for evaluation. The Model 70 thinking time increased by three times to about 45 seconds. However, at about this time an option in the compiler was discovered that made the program run about three times faster, which trimmed the thinking down time to 15 seconds again.


At this time, the focus of the project became improving the thinking time and the quality of the moves. A flexible, recursive thinking routine was needed which could be used for a tree search of any number of plys. The ingredients would be the same as before; the move list for the current player would be generated, and in a loop, each move would be made and the points for the move would be remembered. Then, a recursive call would be made to evaluate the enemy's counter move, and the total score of the first move would somehow be calculated and the maximum score and move would be remembered. Then, the first move would be un-done, and the first move loop would continue until all moves have been tried. The maximum first level move would then be returned by the computer thinking routine, and other parts of the program would make and display the move for the user to see.

Since the consulted published articles did not score moves in quite the same way (their method was not completely understood or believed), a scoring method had to be figured out the hard way. The first trial involved simply adding the 'friendly' move scores and subtracting enemy move scores from a global variable, at each ply. The result, just as simply, was the best score for the player to move, assuming that the enemy makes his WORST countermoves. This is exactly opposite to what is required for a true minimax search: to maximize the score of the player to move, under the assumption of BEST play by BOTH sides.

Trying to make the global total score come closest to zero was also an invalid idea, since an important feature of the scoring method is that a high score should be registered if the friendly player makes a 'killer' move for which the enemy cannot compensate. Under the zero-sum scoring method, this killer move would be rejected in favor of a 'tamer' move in which neither side gains advantage.

During a brain-storming session, the simple solution was discovered. Take the score of the friendly player's MOVE, and subtract from that the score of the enemy player's best counter-LINE of play, and find the move that gives the maximum score. The counter-LINE of play is defined as taking the score of the enemy's counterMOVE and subtracting from that the score of the initial friendly player's best counter-LINE to the countermove, and finding the maximum score, and so on. Note that this definition is recursive, and that it satisfies the principal of best play by both sides. The limit of the recursion is the number of plys to look ahead or the end of the game, whichever happens first (almost always the ply limit). Note that if the current line of play is being considered as an N-ply search, then the enemy's best counter-line will be determined with an (N-1)-ply search. See the Appendix for an example of a search tree. The following pseudo-code returns the maximum score of the player to move. The code for searching the first ply of the lookahead should also return the move corresponding to the maximum score. This will be the move selected by the thinking algorithm.

Search (Player, Depth);
    If Depth = 0 Then
        return (0);
        BestScore := -infinity;
        Generate the move list for Player as per current board setup;
        For each legal move in the move list do
            Make the current move and get MoveScore;
            Score := MoveScore - Search (enemy of Player, Depth - 1);
            If Score > BestScore then BestScore := Score;
            UnMake the current move;
        End For;
        Return (BestScore);
    End If;
End Search;

With this algorithm implemented, the three-ply search was tested. It offered many advantages over a two-ply search. It would see if it had the necessary backup to take a protected enemy's piece, and it would even 'fork' an enemy's piece if it could (e.g., moving a knight to an unprotected square such that it attacks both the enemy's king and queen; the king must move and knight takes queen). The price for this new ply of vision was execution time, of course. The Model 70 time was typically between two and three minutes. The average number of moves examined was 35 * 35 * 35 = 42,875. A four-ply search was beyond the realm of human patience.

A new problem was noticed with the three ply search. If the third move of the current lookahead was a take, then it was assumed that the piece could be taken without cost; no check was made to see if the piece taken was protected. Thus, a powerful piece would often make foolish moves because it thought that it could take an enemy's piece for free in the powerful piece's next turn; some pieces were even sacrificed for this purpose. In reality, when the next turn came around, the player to move saw that the piece it thought it could take was actually protected, and often made the same mistake in its new search.

To the rescue came a new routine which would tally the number of other pieces protecting or attacking a certain piece. Now, if the last move in a search line of play was a take and the piece taken was protected, it was assumed that the player to move would lose his piece if he took. This new attack and protect counter was also used to see if a king was in check (if there was one or more attacking pieces). It was a much more elegant solution than checking the enemy's countermove list for taking a king, and it made the computer think four times faster. The three-ply Model 70 time was down to 30 seconds.


At this time, optimizing the code had mostly reached its limit. The next step was to minimize the problem. It is well known in artificial intelligence that large sections of a two player game tree can be cut off without affecting the outcome of the search. The idea is that if any of the enemy's countermoves to any of the possible current moves is too beneficial for the enemy, then the current player will not select that current move; one more beneficial to the current player will be selected. Thus, the enemy's countermove list needs only be searched until a move-line which exceeds the current player's enemy score tolerence limit is found. The rest of the enemy's countermove list and the subtrees hanging off of them need not be examined. The searching algorithm augmented with the cutoff idea follows:

CutoffSearch (Player, Depth, CutoffValue);
    If Depth = 0 Then
        return (0);
        BestScore := -infinity;
        Generate the move list for Player as per current board setup;
        For each legal move in the move list do
            Make the current move and get MoveScore;
            SubTreeCutoffValue := MoveScore - BestScore;
            Score := MoveScore - Search (enemy of Player, Depth - 1,
            UnMake the current move;
            If Score > BestScore then BestScore := Score;
            If BestScore >= CutoffValue then exit the For loop;
        End For;
        Return (BestScore);
    End If;
End CutoffSearch;

If any of the enemy's countermove scores are greater than the number of points for the current player taking the enemy's piece minus the best score found so far, then the net Score for the current player will be less than the BestScore found so far, and BestScore will stay as it was. The current move can also be discarded for the 'equal to' case of above. If the current value of BestScore is negative infinity (which will be the case for the first move in the movelist), then the cutoff value passed on will be positive infinity, and no cutoffs will be possible in the subtree. See the Appendix for an example of a search with cutoffs.

There are a couple of cases in which the search tree will be pruned extensively. If all of the moves in the tree result in the same score, then the 'equal to' case above will cause the search tree to be completely minimized. This case will evidence itself in the very beginning of the game, when almost all of the moves have a zero score, since the pieces are too far away for any takes to occur. See the Appendix for an example of a minimal cutoff search. Also, as soon as the highest scoring move in a tree node is found, all of the other moves will be cut off as soon as possible. This gain can be especially significant if the highest scoring move is found early in the root node.

With these changes implemented into the thinking routine of the program, it ran much faster. The three-ply Model 70 search time moved down to seven seconds, and the four ply search time (which was now tolerable) was 45 seconds.


A few finishing touches were added to the thinking routine to make it faster and smarter. Since, as mentioned above, more cutoffs are possible when the highest scoring move is encountered early in the search, and thus less time is required for the search, a pre-scanning is called before the main searching begins. This pre-scanning routine, given the list of all possible first moves, will perform a search of a smaller depth than the main search and will sort the given moves in ascending order of the move's pre-scan score. This increases the chance of finding the best move earlier in the main search. An obviously very good move (like the second half of a trade-off) will always be placed at the beginning of the main scan list. This addition to the program has significantly reduced the scanning time for the deeper searches.

Also, as mentioned above, in the case that there are a number of moves that tie in score for best move, the move made was chosen randomly from the tying moves. A one-ply positional evaluation was added to break the tie in most cases. The move chosen will be the highest scoring one which results in moving into the "best" position. The position value is determined by examining the move and the board. For each enemy and friendly piece, the total number of attacks and protects is tallied and a value is computed, and this value is combined with the number of moves that the friendly side can now possibly make. Some other rules involving checking, castling, and making developmental moves (pushing a pawn or taking a piece) are also thrown in to make the player try to castle and to keep endless loops of moves from occuring. The sole intention of this routine was to break ties, and the rules are completely ad hoc and were assigned values by a chess non-expert. A much better (and much more complex) set of rules and assignment of values could be made by someone better qualified, and this routine could be combined with the take-score of a move to make the position evaluation n-ply along with the takes to make the play better.

Finally, the search routine was modified such that it would go up to two plies deeper in scoring a line of play if all of the moves in that line were takes. This should make the computer react better to an 'arms race' somewhere on the board. Before it might stop searching too soon and not see who comes out of the exchange better off. There are probably many tricks like the three mentioned here to make the computer think better, but we feel that quite enough work was put into this area, given that the thinking was not the focus of the project although it was certainly important.


The program that we have created not only plays the game of chess, it incorporates many helpful and convient features. Features like TakeBack and UnTakeBack are helpful on those occasions when, even the best of us, make a completely foolish move. With the SetUp feature, a person is able to create any board configuration he desires and play the game from there. The File System is especially useful for those long games when a break is needed. These features and others make the program very easy to use and powerful at the same time.


The first of the program features that we will discuss is the SetUp. It should be mentioned that the SetUp is completely intergrated with the other features. It is permitted for the user to temporarily suspend the playing of the game and enter the SetUp. He then can make any changes to the board that he wants. The consequence of this is that the moves prior to changing the board are no longer accessible by Goto Move or TakeBack.

By selecting SetUp, the user is given a cursor which he can position anywhere on the board he wishes. To remove a specific piece from the board the player should position the cursor on the piece and press the space bar. To place a piece the user enters a key corresponding to that piece. The letter designations for all piece are as follows: (K = King, Q = Queen, B = Bishop, R = Rook, N = Knight, and P = Pawn). Once the type of piece is determined, the color must be entered, either 'W' for white or 'B' for black. Placing a piece has a few restrictions. For example a pawn may not be placed on either the first or last row and each side must have exactly one king.

In addition to asking the type and color of the piece, some pieces require another bit of information. If the king is placed on his starting square then it must be known if the king has already been moved or not for purposes of allowing/disallowing castling. The same applies to a rook placed in its original square. For convenience pressing 'C' will remove all pieces from the board and pressing 'D' will set up the default board. If the user decides that he does not want to change the configuration, then by pressing ESC the set up is abandoned and the old board is kept.

When the user has finished manipulating the board, by pressing RETURN the changes are entered to memory. The user is then asked for the move number that the board set up corresponds. Then the user is prompted to answer whose turn comes next in the game. Defaults are provided for both the move number and the color of the next player to move. The set up is now complete and the game may continue.


The TakeBack feature is really a bi-product of the computer move algorithm, which makes all the possible moves and then takes them back in order to find the best move. It was decided that this would also be a useful option for players. It is not uncommon for some players to make a move impulsively without looking at the consequences. It is for these players that the TakeBack was made accessible to the user. Its operation is very simple, the user presses the 'T' for TakeBack and the play of the game is backed up one move. This can be used to take back as many moves as desired. If it is decided by the user that the move that was made was indeed the proper move, he can press the 'U' key and the move will be made again and the board set up advanced to prior to the TakeBack.

The operation for the user seems very simple, but in fact there is a good deal of work being done by the program. The check status must be updated at each move as well as the other status values in the display area. If a king, rook or pawn moves back to its original position then the flag for determining if the piece has moved yet must be reset to again allow either castling or the pawn to advance two squares. The crucial aspect of the TakeBack and UnTakeBack is that the environment must be identical to that previous board set up and the environment must stay within the boundries of the first move and the last move.


The user has control of several values that define a player. When the 'P' is pressed, the user is prompted for these attributes of both the white and black player. First the user is asked to enter the name of the player to be used on the display screen followed by the value of the elapsed time. The elasped time works just like the standard chess clocks: your clock only runs during your turn. The format of the elapsed time is HH:MM:SS, which represents the hours, minutes and seconds respectively. The next attribute is the type of player, either Human or Computer. The Look Ahead gives the computer a basis of how well to play. The range is from zero to nine which represents how many moves into the future the computer will look before deciding on a move. Obviously, the greater values produce better moves but also take much longer. The final player attribute is the Positional evaluation. If this is turned on then a computer player will also count the positional points in determining the best move. All of these prompts have there current values displayed and will be taken as the default if they are not changed.


There are also options that can be set that to not apply to players rather the game as a whole. These are accessible by pressing 'O' from the main menu. The first value to be set is the flash count. This is the number of times that the piece flashes before and after it moves. The user can also turn the sound on or off from this screen by indicating which at the 'Sound' prompt. Another aspect of the game that we thought the players may want to have control over is en passent. While this is entirely legal move, more inexperienced players would probably prefer to play without en passent. The user also has control of the length of time that is waited between moves while in the watch mode. This can be adjusted to give as must time or as little time between moves as desired. The final option is the time limit. By setting this value, the user can set the upper limit on the clocks of the players. When one of the clocks reach the time limit, the player that has run out of time is declared the loser.


A feature put in merely for the fun of it is the Watch mode. At any time from the main menu the 'W' can be pressed and the moves that follow the current move will be displayed until the end of the game. Note that usually there will be no moves following the current move. In these cases the entire game is displayed one move at a time starting at the first move. To recreate the game is really very straight forward. All the moves must be taken back until the beginning is reached. From the beginning the moves are made and displayed again by refering to the moves that were stored in the game structure.


Another feature that may prove useful to the user is the Goto Move function. When the 'G' is pressed in the main menu, the user is asked for the move number that corresponds to the board configuartion that the user wishes to move to. The color of the turn must also be entered so the exact board configuation can be reached. This is because that each move number has both a white turn and a black turn. For example, the first couple of moves are as follows: move number one for white, move number one for black, move number two for white, and so on. The Goto feature was rather simple to implement as once the move number is known, it is an easy task to either TakeBack or UnTakeBack moves, without displaying the moves, until the desired place is reached.


One of the most useful features is the File System. With it games, complete or incomplete, can be saved, loaded or printed. Loading and saving games is quite simple. Since we were quite careful to keep all information about the game in the GameType structure, it can merely be written or read from the disk. The user need only enter a new filename or use the default that is provided and the game is loaded or saved. A directory command is also provided to allow the user to see a list of all games that have been saved to disk. Since a computer and disk drive is not always handy we have given an option to print the game to either a file or to the printer. When the user selects the print option, he is asked to enter the filename to contain the output. If the user does wish to have a hard copy he should enter PRN for the filename. 5.8. HINT

Another feature added to aid the inexperienced player is the Hint option. When the player needs some help in deciding the best move, he can press 'H' and have the computer suggest a move. The computer will use, as a basis for how far to look, the look ahead value stored in the PlayerType structure. The result, after doing the search for the best move, will be printed to the display area. The player must still make either the suggested move or one that he feels is better.


The entire system is very easy to use and displays instructions almost everywhere although beginners may some problems. For this reason an on-line help feature has been incorporated. This help does not explain the rules of chess as that was not the purpose of this project. It does, however, explain how to use the program and should answer any problems that a user would have. The help is made up of several pages of instructions. You should use the Up and Down page keys to turn the pages and press ESC when you want to leave the help facility and resume the program.


The high resolution graphics add a whole dimension of realism to a chess game over a character based display with K for king, etc. Also, since Turbo Pascal provides a complete graphics unit, our program implements a high resolution display of the main game screen. Since the VGA graphics card is the standard for the new and popular PS/2 line of computers, the graphics were designed for this type of display. The VGA display has a one to one pixel aspect ratio.

The first step was to divide the screen up into its major sections and then see how many pixels the piece images would be, which turned out to be 52 pixels squared. Then, a text file containing all of the images represented by astrisks and spaces was prepared, where these images were borrowed from the Sargon II cartridge for the VIC-20 computer and enlarged and sand-blasted to fit the VGA piece size. A small program was written to read the text file, place the images on the screen over the three colors of background (dark, light, and cursor), and then these images were lifted from the screen, put into a structure, and written to a disk file.

The main program reads this binary pixel image file into an array when it starts up. Then, the routine DisplaySquare is called with the parameters Row, Col, and Cursor (yes or no). Based on these parameters, it figures out whether the background of the square should be dark, light, or the cursor color. It then looks at the internal Board matrix to see which piece image and piece color to display, and these three values are used as subscripts into the pixel image array and puts the image onto the screen. The upper-left pixel location of where to put the object is obtained by multiplying the row and column by 52 and adding the offset of the board from the screen edges.

The procedure to fill a rectangular area on the screen with a given color, and all of the text sizes and fonts shown on the screen are provided by Turbo Pascal. The only difficulty was in figuring out what to say and exactly where to put it. A number of pixel location constants are declared at the beginning of the program. The CenterText procedure does most of the work of putting text in the conversation area, and the DisplayInstructions procedure displays all of the instructions at the bottom of the screen.


The greatest limitation of the program is the extremely simple evaluation of a given move. The score is determined exclusively by the number of value points assigned to the piece that is taken. If no piece is taken then no points are awarded. As implemented, the positional evaluation plays only a small roll in selecting a move. A better positional evaluator, which takes into account such things as attack strategy and special situations requiring special actions, etc. should be combined with a better capture value to calculate the value at all nodes in the search tree. A better capture value would take into account the fact that the material value of the piece varies with the stage and balance of the game. The combination of material and position values should be consistent with the strategy and circumstances of the game. Of course this was beyond the scope of this project (not to mention our own skill and knowledge of chess). This could be a future enhancement.

Another deficiency is with the search tree algorithm itself. Since it only searches to a certain depth, it may attempt to push an inevitable loss out of its sight by sarcificing a less valuable piece to 'save' the greater valued one. This is known as the Horizon Effect and is an inevitable consequence of the limited search. The only solution is to increase the search depth. This often would only serve to move the horizon a little father down the road. The solution to this problam is also beyond the scope of this project.


We have succeeded in designing and implementing a working chess program. The program allows both human and computer players and also offers a number of powerful features to manipulate the game. The computer movement portion presented the greatest challenge and yet proved to be by far the most interesting. The only deficiencies of the program lie in the strategy of the computers movement. The rest of the program was very straight forward to implement, with only a few temporary setbacks.

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