disc1-tx.zip includes the first issue of disC=overy (ascii) in its entirety. disc1-sp.zip includes all the articles from the first issue (ascii) but separated out into the individual articles.. This is to allow for easier reading on C64 + 1541 baseline platforms. disc1-wp.zip includes the wordperfect 5.2 version of disC=overy - issue 1, in its entirety (with fancy fonts, bolds, etc..). - REQUIRES a LaserJet 4 series printer to be printed properly (or select the LaserJet 4 from your print menu to view it as intended). disC=overy, the Journal of the Commodore Enthusiast, may also be obtained at http://www.eskimo.com/~drray/discovery.html and at : ftp.eskimo.com dir path -> /u/t/tpinfo/C64/discovery MG