XMODEM64V3.6 is a text file with the list of a terminal program in BASIC for the commodore 64. It allows you to have a terminal emulator and a file transfer facility with the XMODEM protocol (upload and download). As it is in basic the speed is as slow as 300 baud. When I decided to transfer the files available on the net from my mac to my C64 I got no telecom program at all for the C64. So I found this one usefull as it was possible to type it in: I used it to transfer as a first step a faster terminal program. The program was writen by Karl Schmitt in the early 80's (itchy@ix.netcom.com http://www.li.net/~kabibble/kshome.htm) Many thanks goes to Gaelyne Moranec (moranec@hal9000.apana.org.au http://hal9000.apana.org.au/~moranec) who helped me so much to find out this program and to Robert Saltiel who did the typing to send it to me by mail. ######################################################## # /\ |\/| # #/--\ndrea | |ILOCCO Trieste, ITALY # # # # # # ELETTRA, Syncrotron Facility # # Trieste, ITALY # # # # e-mail: milocco@elettra.trieste.it # # or milocco@thor.elettra.trieste.it # # # # office: ++39/40/375.8244 # ########################################################