MIGHTY MON 4.00.10 COMMAND SET (SUMMARY). REV. 20-Apr-92. Basic commands (most parameters are optional): / number-list / code - set NS / place bytes, words / assemble code A addr - enter auto-assembler mode AM N!A!F - set (dis)assembly mode (Full, Auto, No-Options) B addr,'string',A!S - place string (ASCII, SCR-CODE) into memory BK [(U!K.)bank] - display/set Current Bank (User, Kernal) BS addr,'byte-string' - place byte string into memory C number - convert number to DEC, HEX, ASC, BIN CP block-start,block-end,other-source - compare sections of memory D start,end,N!A!F - disassemble, opt Full, Auto, No-Opts DIR 'name-pattern',device,drive - return directory (press F3) E number / low,high - high/low byte evaluator F from,to,with,step - fill memory G [addr] - execute code from addr or PC GT addr,I!S - timed execution, must terminate with RTS. Interrupt, VIC ctrl H from,to,'for-byte-string' - hunt memory for byte string HELP - not supported (appropriate message displayed), future expansion I[L] from,to,displacement,R,prog-from,prog-to - insert, opt Relocate J [addr] - Jump, same as G JT addr,IS - Jump Timed, same as GT K char,screen,border-or-VDC-foreground - set char and screen colors L 'filename',start,device,drive - load memory from device M from,to - memory display N[W] from,to,P,start-page - same as M, but for printer, optional Word output; opt Page, start page O =,'byte-string' - output string to printer, opt Centering(=) / No CR(,) OK - test checksum of monitor code P from,to,N!P!L!F,start-page - printing disassembly, opt No-opts, Paging, Linear, Full Q - Quit - Same as X QUIT - exit and disable Mighty Mon, re-allocate memory R - display 8502 registers, etc S 'filename',from,to,device,drive,SA - save memory to a device SR - display status register and bit meanings ST - display I/O status register and bit meanings T[L] from,to,new-start,R,prog-from,prog-to - transfer memory, opt Reloc U D / H - use Decimal or Hexadecimal modes V 'filename',from,device,drive - verify memory with device W from,to - display 16-bit words from memory X [B!M!64!S] - eXit to BASIC, ROM Monitor, C-64 mode, or System reset Y[L] from,to,new-start,prog-from,prog-to - transfer word table (Lo,Hi) Z from,to,C!Q!A!S - display ASCII/Scr-code in memory, allowing Quote mode or Cursor movements , ---reg list--- - update registers :addr value... - same as $ "file-spec",device,drive - alone = display disk directory / or ? - refresh screen = - evaluate BASIC expression Disk commands (@): @@ 'command-byte-string' - send disk command to default disk device @[,device] - return disk drive status @ 'command',device - send command to disk @$ 'name-pattern',device,drive - same as @D @BR track,sector,addr,device - read disk track and sector into memory @BW addr,track,sector,device - write memory to disk track and sector @D 'name-pattern',device,drive - display disk directory @F 'file-name',type,device,drive - list a disk file to screen, type S=Seq @MR disk-from,disk-to,addr,device - read disk drive RAM into memory @MW from,to,disk-addr,device - write memory to disk drive RAM @ME addr,device - start disk drive executing code at addr in disk drive RAM @SC 'filename',device,drive - Scratch (no query) Extended commands (*): *B (U!K.)bank - set BANK configuration, User or Kernal descriptions *C speed - set CPU clock speed- S!1=1 MHz, F!2=2 MHz, X!0=both *CP from,to,other,other-bank - Interbank Compare *D device,drive - set default device for load,save,disk commands *E 0 / 1 - set printer-echo off/on (not implemented) *EJ - eject one page from default printer device *F dma-from,dma-to,dma-bank,addr - dma RAM to memory fetch *I device,SA,'filename' - set input file *IO - restore default I/O devices (keyboard, screen) *K / *K key-num,'byte-string' - same as BASIC KEY, but for all 10 keys *L - return the address range of Mighty Mon *O device,SA,'filename' - set output file *P device,SA,'filename',page-width,page-length,P!C!N - define default printer device, opt Printer/Comp/No eject *R - restore all default variable values (force a cold-start) *S from,to,dma-addr,dma-bank - memory to DMA RAM stash *SW from,to,dma-addr,dma-bank - memory to DMA RAM swap *T[L] from,to,new-start,new-bnk,R,prog-from,prog-to - interbank transfer *TI [time-setting] - set / display CIA#1 TOD clock. *V register,value - set / display VDC (80-col) registers *VL from,to,vdc-start-addr - load main memory into VDC RAM *VS vdc-from,vdc-to,main-memory-addr - save VDC RAM to main memory *W width - select either 40 or 80 column screen *X - switch to opposite screen, adjust CPU speed *Y[L] from,to,new-start,new-bank,L!H!HL!LH,prog-from,prog-to - Interbank Y *Z from,to,A!S!C!Q - printing Z command - If the [L] option is given in the memory commands noted above, the "to" address will be the offset from the start ["Length" option]. Commands with "!" separating letters allow these options to be specified like flags. Mighty Mon conventions: Number prefixes: $nnnn = hexadecimal 'n = PETSCII code +nnnn = decimal !n = screen code %nnnn = binary nnnn (no prefix) = hex or dec, interpret "n" = PETSCII (must have closing quote or be end-of-line) >num = high byte